Assessment of Historical Climate Trends of Surface Air Temperature in CMIP5 Models
FENG Xiao-Li1, ZHI Hai1, LIN Peng-Fei2, LIU Hai-Long2
Figure 3 Correlation coefficients between SAT tendencies and each component of heat fluxes including a net TOA radiation flux, b OLR at the TOA, c RSW at the TOA, d ISR at the TOA, e net surface heat flux, f surface LH flux, g surface SH flux, h surface SW, i surface LW, j upward surface LW, and k downward surface LW. The SAT tendencies were determined after the 10-year running mean SAT globally averaged anomalies were applied during 1901-2000. The x -axes are labeled with the 24 model numbers shown in Table 1. The 25th and 26th columns represent the correlations from the ensemble mean and the reanalysis, respectively.