Can Current AGCMs Reproduce Historical Changes in the Atmospheric Diabatic Heating over the Tibetan Plateau?
DUAN An-Min1,3, XIAO Zhi-Xiang1,2, HU Jun1,2
Figure 4 Linear trends in the total atmospheric heat source TH and each component, i.e., SH, heat release due to condensation of precipitation CH, and the net radiative cooling of the air column RC for 1980-2005 in CETP domain-averaged results from the JRA-25 data and the nine AGCMs. All results were regridded onto 2.5#cod#x000b0;#cod#x000d7;2.5#cod#x000b0; grids to facilitate the comparison. Units: W m -2 per decade. The bars indicate the uncertainty at the 95% confidence level based on the standard error.