A Theoretical Explanation of Anomalous Atmospheric Circulation Associated with ENSO Modoki during Boreal Winter
XING Nan1,2, LI Jian-Ping1,*, LI Yao-Kun3
Figure 1 Composite anomalies in the tropical Pacific during the warm and cold phases of ENSO Modoki in winter, showing a, c anomalous SST shading, units: #cod#x000b0;C, horizontal wind at 850 hPa arrows, units: m s -1 , vertical velocity at 850 hPa contours, units: Pa s -1 ; interval: 0.01 and b, d anomalous wind vector zonal wind, units: m s -1 ; vertical velocity, units: -10 -3 Pa s -1 in equatorial 10#cod#x000b0;S-10#cod#x000b0;N average vertical cross sections. a and b are for El Ni#cod#x000f1;o Modoki events; c and d are for La Ni#cod#x000f1;a Modoki events.