A Dipole Pattern of Summer Precipitation over Mid-high Latitude Asia and Related Snow Cover Anomalies in the Preceding Spring
HAN Jin-Ping, LIU Ge*, XIN Yu-Fei
Figure 1 a The first EOF mode #cod#x000d7;0.01 of normalized summer precipitation over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, in which positive negative values greater smaller than 3 -3 are shaded. b Correlation of summer precipitation field with the summer precipitation regionally averaged over the Mongolian and Northeast China MNC region 40-52#cod#x000b0;N, 109-130#cod#x000b0;E. c is the same as b, except for the summer precipitation is regionally averaged over the West Siberian Plain WSP region 61-73#cod#x000b0;N, 67-100#cod#x000b0;E. In b and c, the shaded areas denote correlation significant at the 95% confidence level. In a, b, and c, black boxes indicate the MNC and WSP regions.