A Dipole Pattern of Summer Precipitation over Mid-high Latitude Asia and Related Snow Cover Anomalies in the Preceding Spring
HAN Jin-Ping, LIU Ge*, XIN Yu-Fei
Figure 5 a Composite differences of 200-hPa geopotential heights gpm, contours and wave activity fluxes m 2 s -2 , arrows anomalies between positive and negative snow cover anomaly years positive minus negative. Here, the positive negative years have snow cover anomalies higher lower than 0.5 standard deviation #cod#x003c3; -0.5 #cod#x003c3; over a small region 59-66#cod#x000b0;N, 77-99#cod#x000b0;E; i.e., region B in Fig. 4 within the West Siberian Plain. Green purple shading marks the regions where the divergences of wave activity fluxes are higher lower than 5#cod#x000d7;10 -7 -5#cod#x000d7;10 -7 m s -2 . b is the same as a, except it shows the composite differences between positive and negative years negative minus positive with snow cover anomalies over the Heilongjiang River HR region 47-56#cod#x000b0;N, 120-134#cod#x000b0;E; i.e., region F in Fig. 4.