Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.
2012 Vol.  5 No.  2
Published: 16 March 2012

Original Paper
Original Paper
Numerical Simulation of Effects of Cloud Top Temperatures and Generating Cells on Secondary Ice Production in Stratiform Clouds with a Detailed Microphysical Model
YANG Jie-Fan,LEI Heng-Chi
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 75 [Abstract] ( 480 ) PDF (454 KB)   ( 1359 )
Impact of Different Aerosols on the Evolution of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
SUN Dan,DUAN Min-Zheng,LV Da-Ren,WANG Pu-Cai,WANG Yong,ZHANG Xiao-Ling
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 82 [Abstract] ( 431 ) PDF (341 KB)   ( 1151 )
Chemical Composition of Summertime PM2.5 and Its Relationship to Aerosol Optical Properties in Guangzhou, China
TAO Jun,CHENG Tian-Tao,ZHANG Ren-Jian
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 88 [Abstract] ( 687 ) PDF (410 KB)   ( 1434 )
An Empirical Method for Estimating Background Stratospheric Aerosol Extinction Profiles over China
YANG Jing-Mei
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 95 [Abstract] ( 398 ) PDF (442 KB)   ( 924 )
The Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over East Asia in Warm Seasons
LI Jun,WANG Bin,WANG Dong-Hai
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 102 [Abstract] ( 569 ) PDF (1374 KB)   ( 1202 )
Estimation of the Distribution of Global Anthropogenic Heat Flux
CHEN Bing,SHI Guang-Yu
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 108 [Abstract] ( 611 ) PDF (1052 KB)   ( 1094 )
Seasonality of the Lagged Relationship between ENSO and the Northern Hemispheric Polar Vortex Variability
REN Rong-Cai
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 113 [Abstract] ( 413 ) PDF (4794 KB)   ( 1060 )
The Cross-Correlation Function as a Tool for Detecting Source-Receptor Relationships: Application to Asian Dust Transport to North America
CHEN Ke-Yi,LIU Xue-Chang
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 119 [Abstract] ( 414 ) PDF (294 KB)   ( 1030 )
Distinguished Effects of Interannual Salinity Variability on the Development of the Central-Pacific El Nino Events
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 123 [Abstract] ( 514 ) PDF (488 KB)   ( 1461 )
Fog Detection over China’s Adjacent Sea Area by using the MTSAT Geostationary Satellite Data
LI Jun,HAN Zhi-Gang,CHEN Hong-Bin,ZHAO Zeng-Liang,WU Hong-Yi
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 128 [Abstract] ( 674 ) PDF (5156 KB)   ( 1165 )
The Cold Vortex Circulation over Northeastern China and Regional Rainstorm Events
XIE Zuo-Wei,BUEH Cholaw,JI Li-Ren,SUN Shu-Qing
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 134 [Abstract] ( 608 ) PDF (566 KB)   ( 1043 )
Correlation of Dust Storms in China with Chlorophyll a Concentration in the Yellow Sea between 1997-2007
TAN Sai-Chun,SHI Guang-Yu
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 140 [Abstract] ( 491 ) PDF (340 KB)   ( 1115 )
Performance of Regional Integrated Environment Modeling System (RIEMS) in the Simulation of Surface Air Temperature over East Asia
ZHAO De-Ming
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 145 [Abstract] ( 458 ) PDF (757 KB)   ( 1376 )
The ISO Events in the Winter of 2007
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 151 [Abstract] ( 423 ) PDF (3470 KB)   ( 829 )
The Role of Aerosol in Climate Change, the Environment, and Human Health
ZHANG Ren-Jian,HO Kin-Fai,SHEN Zhen-Xing
2012 Volume 5 Issue2 156 [Abstract] ( 480 ) PDF (152 KB)   ( 1725 )