Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.
2012 Vol.  5 No.  5
Published: 16 September 2012

Original Paper
Original Paper
A Typical Mode of Seasonal Circulation Transition: A Climatic View of the Abrupt Transition from Drought to Flood over the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Valley in the Late Spring and Early Summer of 2011
ZONG Hai-Feng,BUEH Cholaw,CHEN Lie-Ting,JI Li-Ren,WEI Jie
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 349 [Abstract] ( 517 ) PDF (886 KB)   ( 1153 )
Computational Performance of the High-Resolution Atmospheric Model FAMIL
ZHOU Lin-Jiong,LIU Yi-Min,BAO Qing,YU Hai-Yang,WU Guo-Xiong
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 355 [Abstract] ( 601 ) PDF (199 KB)   ( 1562 )
Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of an Eastward-offshore Mesoscale Vortex along the Meiyu-Baiu Front
YU Fei,FU Shen-Ming,ZHAO Si-Xiong,SUN Jian-Hua
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 360 [Abstract] ( 334 ) PDF (4343 KB)   ( 817 )
The Amplitude-Duration Relation of Observed El Nino Events
Wu Yu-Jie,DUAN Wan-Suo
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 367 [Abstract] ( 368 ) PDF (431 KB)   ( 1057 )
Simulation of Volume and Heat Transport along 26.5°N in the Atlantic
MO Hui-Er,YU Yong-Qiang
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 373 [Abstract] ( 368 ) PDF (596 KB)   ( 1088 )
Role of Downward Momentum Transport in the Formation of Severe Surface Winds
LIU Xiang-E,GUO Xue-Liang
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 379 [Abstract] ( 465 ) PDF (416 KB)   ( 1666 )
An Observational Analysis of the Relationship Between Wind and the Expansion of the Changjiang River Diluted Water during Summer
LIU Bao-Chao,FENG Li-Cheng
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 384 [Abstract] ( 411 ) PDF (2047 KB)   ( 1638 )
Estimating the Predictability of the Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation Using the Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Exponent Approach
SHI Zhen,DING Rui-Qiang
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 389 [Abstract] ( 472 ) PDF (719 KB)   ( 1153 )
Low-Level Jets over Southeast China: The Warm Season Climatology of the Summer of 2003
LIU Hong-Bo,LI Li-Juan,WANG Bin
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 394 [Abstract] ( 324 ) PDF (1121 KB)   ( 1044 )
Impacts of Secondary Aerosols on a Persistent Fog Event in Northern China
JIA Xing-Can,GUO Xue-Liang
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 401 [Abstract] ( 403 ) PDF (2432 KB)   ( 1133 )
A Dynamic Method for Quantifying Natural Warming in Urban Areas
HE Yu-Ting,JIA Gen-Suo
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 408 [Abstract] ( 428 ) PDF (8634 KB)   ( 866 )
A New Approach for Classifying Two Types of El Nino Events
LI Shuanglin,WANG Qin
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 414 [Abstract] ( 407 ) PDF (612 KB)   ( 1270 )
Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation to Atmospheric Moisture Content: Case Study of Bilis (2006)
WU Wei,CHEN Ji-Long
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 420 [Abstract] ( 446 ) PDF (968 KB)   ( 1339 )
Spatial and Quantitative Comparison of Satellite-Derived Land Cover Products over China
GAO Hao,JIA Gen-Suo
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 426 [Abstract] ( 631 ) PDF (4701 KB)   ( 900 )
Evaluation of Surface Air Temperature Change over China and the Globe during the Twentieth Century in IAP AGCM4.0
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 435 [Abstract] ( 962 ) PDF (548 KB)   ( 1110 )
Cloud Base Height and Effective Cloud Emissivity Retrieval with Ground-Based Infrared Interferometer
PAN Lin-Jun,LU Da-Ren
2012 Volume 5 Issue5 439 [Abstract] ( 423 ) PDF (558 KB)   ( 1244 )